Conference programme – The Modern Bar Association Conference


Conference programme

International Conference
Modern Bar Association
23 – 24 May 2024
Modern Bar Association and Dialogue with Public Authorities and Civil Society




23rd of May, Thursday


11.00 – 12.00
Welcome coffee


12.00 – 12.10
Openining of the conference

prof. Monika Całkiewicz, President of the Warsaw Bar Association


12.10 – 12.30
Opening speech

Zuzanna Rudzińska – Bluszcz, Deputy Minister of Justice of Poland


12.30 – 13.45
Panel I

Chair: Katarzyna Okonek, Member of the Foreign Relations and Human Rights Committee, the Warsaw Bar Association


12.30 – 12.50
When Bar Associations Engage in Public Advocacy – Case Studies From California

Theresa Leets, Vice Chair of the International Law and Immigration Section of the California Lawyers Association, Vice President of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, Assistant Chief Counsel, Legal Division, Franchise Unit, California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation, USA


12.50 – 13.10
Building Bridges in the Legislative Process: The role of the German Federal Bar in national and international legislative processes

Sabine Fuhrmann, Vice-President of the German Federal Bar Association, President of the Saxony Bar Association, Germany


13.10 – 13.30
Romanian Lawyers in the Defense of Justice Against System Deficiencies

Anca Baciu, Member of the Council, the Cluj Bar Association, Romania


13.30 – 13.45
Questions and Discussion


13.45 – 14.45
Lunch break


14.45 – 16.20
Panel II

Chair: Radosław Radosławski, Judge of the Disciplinary Court, the Warsaw Bar Association


14.45 – 15.05
Ankara Bar’s Human Rights Advocacy

Mengü Gökçe, the Ankara Bar Association, the Union of Turkish Bar Associations representative for the FBE, the Ankara Bar representative for Warsaw Bar, vice chairman of the Professional Solidarity Commission of the FBE


15.05 – 15.25
Challenges Related to Human Rights Protection: Legal Aid System and Collaboration of the Bar with public authorities – Conditions for accessibility to legal aid; Legal Aid Centers and Mobile Legal Aid Centers

Stefan Marchev, President of the Sofia Bar Association, Bulgaria


15.25 – 15.45
Gender Diversity in Legal Profession – the Role of Bar Associations in Securing the Balance

Anna Wyrzykowska, Honorary President, International Association of Young Lawyers


15.45 – 16.05
The Role of Bar Associations in the Defense of Human Rights. Human rights Observatories Within Bar Associations

Emilio Ramirez Matos, Member of the Governing Board, the Madrid Bar Association, Spain



Berliner Anwaltsverein (Berlin Bar Association) in dialogue with society – Berlin lawyers go to schools!

Jorg Schachschneider, Member of the Board of the Berliner Anwaltsverein, Berlin


Questions and Discussion


17.00 – 18.30
Warsaw walking tour (optional)


20.00 – 23.00
Conference Dinner


24th of May, Friday


Welcome coffee


12.00 – 12.20
The Profession of Lawyer in Italy

Valerio Salomone, Member of the Rome Bar Association, Italy


12.20 – 12.40
Is the voice of the lawyers still heard?

Ioana Varga, Member of the Council, Cluj Bar Association, Romania


12.40 – 13.00
Human Rights Advocacy: Advocating for human rights. The role of bar associations in protecting the rights of minorities. Challenges related to human rights protection and collaboration with public authorities

Michele Calantropo, Head of International and Human Rights Commission, the Palermo Bar Association, Italy


13.00 – 13.20
Pro Bono Projects at Warsaw Bar Association and Our Commitment to the Refugee Crisis

Filip Czernicki, Member of the Foreign Relations and Human Rights Committee, the Warsaw Bar Association


13.20 – 13.40
The Role of the Warsaw Bar Association in Tailoring of Ethical Attitudes of Attorneys-at-law

Sylwia Kołodziej, Member of the Foreign Relations and Human Rights Committee, the Warsaw Bar Association


13.40 – 14.00
Questions and Discussion


14.00 – 15.00


20.00 – 03.30
Anniversary Party of the Warsaw Bar Association
Kregliccy Fortress, st. Zakroczymska 12
in Polish language: Forteca Kręglickich, ul. Zakroczymska 12